Monday, July 31, 2006
The Great Hunger Archive offers a collection of primary source materials from Irish workhouses during the famine of the mid-19th century as well as other documents and bibliographies related to Irish history. The minute books are a record of the administration, bookkeeping, accounts, and daily activities of workhouses for the poor, with original page images and transcriptions provided. There is also a multimedia presentation on these books.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
A Peek Into Chinatown
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 "collection illustrates nineteenth and early twentieth century Chinese immigration to California through about 8,000 images and pages of primary source materials. Included are photographs, original art, cartoons and other illustrations; letters, excerpts from diaries, business records, and legal documents; as well as pamphlets, broadsides, speeches, sheet music, and other printed matter. These documents describe the experiences of Chinese immigrants in California, including the nature of inter-ethnic tensions. They also document the specific contributions of Chinese immigrants to commerce and business, architecture and art, agriculture and other industries, and cultural and social life in California. Chinatown in San Francisco receives special treatment as the oldest and largest community of Chinese in the United States. The materials in this online compilation are drawn from collections at The Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley; The Ethnic Studies Library, University of California Berkeley; and The California Historical Society, San Francisco."
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Public Data
"The State and Metropolitan Area Data Book for 2006 features more than 1,500 data items for the United States and individual states, counties and metropolitan areas from a variety of sources. The files include data published for 2005 population and housing unit estimates and many items from the 1990 and 2000 Census of Population and Housing." Tables are available in PDF and Excel formats.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Global Performing Arts Database (GloPAD) is a performing arts digital library and database containing images, video, audio, and texts. Covers dance, theatre, opera, television, film, music, kabuki, puppetry and other performing arts. Search or browse by performance organization, place, name, title, or genre.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Chinese Life Blood
China Vitae is a cross-referenced biographical database with over 3,000 entries on Chinese leaders in business, government, the military, academia, and the media. Along with this main database, there is a directory of VIP appearances detailing the travel, activities, and meetings of senior officials. These may be browsed by date, official, location, or topic.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
For The Record
Domesday Book is one of England’s earliest surviving public records, and the foundation document of The National Archives of England, Wales and the United Kingdom. You can now search and download images of Domesday online. Learn how and why Domesday was created, the differences between Great and Little Domesday and how to interpret the book in Discover Domesday guide. Read about the people, the landscape and the life in towns and villages in eleventh century England, and the rich landscape William the Conqueror inherited.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Died In Office
McKinley Assassination Ink (MAI) is designed as a means for providing individuals—scholars and school children, professionals and lay folk—with free and unfettered access to Primary source materials relating to the McKinley. MAI primarily consists of transcriptions of original published documents dating from, though not limited to, 1901-02. Some of these documents are presented only in excerpt form, but many of the documents are included in full. Each document (comprising its own webpage) includes publication information, keywords, and a listing of “named persons.” The site also includes: 1) a set of seven browsing indexes, complete with links to the individual documents; 2) a selected listing of quotations culled from the documents; 3) a selected bibliography; and 4) a page of links to relevant external websites. The goal of MAI is simply this: to gather the largest possible selection of full-text primary source documents relating to the assassination of William McKinley and the immediate aftermath of that event, including the succession of Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency and the incarceration, trial, and execution of assassin Leon Czolgosz.
Monday, July 24, 2006
A Block Of Writers
American Writers: Journey through history and American Writers II: The 20th Century are now available as permanent archives for educators, researchers and every one interested in the writers featured in the C-SPAN series. In 2001 C-SPAN produced an American history series that looks at the lives and works of selected American writers who have chronicled, reflected upon, or influence the course of our nation. In 2002 they brought together writers, scholars, historians and actors to examine the lives and works of Twentieth Century American writers who have influence our modern nation. Find information on writers and their works, View streaming media of complete author programs & related video.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Under The Canopy
The University of Washington's College of Forest Resources Fact Sheets and Forest Resources is dedicated to generating and disseminating knowledge for the stewardship of natural and managed environments and the sustainable use of their products and services through teaching, research, and outreach. Development of concise and timely fact sheets available to the academic community, the natural resource professions, public agencies, and the public is one mechanism of disseminating this knowledge. The current index provides information on topics ranging from traditional forest management and products, natural resource economics and policy, and emerging areas such as phytoremediation, forest canopy research, and urban forest benefits.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Border Patrol
TRAC Immigration is a collection of "independent and nonpartisan information about U.S. federal immigration enforcement." Includes government studies, reports and bulletins, statistics, and other publications about immigration policy, border security, visas, and related immigration topics. Also provides a glossary of immigration-related terms. From the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Sit Back And Relax
The Hallmark Hall of Fame: The First Fifty Years site celebrates television broadcasts sponsored by Hallmark from 1951 through 2001. It features an introductory essay, timeline, and synopses of programs (browsable by title or by decade) such as for the memorable live premiere in 1951 of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" and the 1953 production of "Hamlet," which "marked the first presentation of a Shakespearean play on U.S. network television." From the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Over The Top
U.S. Census Bureau Facts for Features: 300 Million is a website which spotlights the occasion of the U.S. population reaching 300 million in 2006, "the Census Bureau steps back in time by comparing contemporary life and statistics to those in the time periods in which the nation reached other noteworthy population milestones in 1967 ... and in the year 1915." Includes comparisons of population, education, life expectancy, prices (gasoline, milk, postage stamps, and more), earnings, and other data. From the U.S. Census Bureau.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Rank And File
The Harvard University Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology online features are divided into several sections. First is searchable access to collections of objects, paintings, prints, drawings, and photographs. A secetion on 'Finding Aids On-Line' provide lists of several archival collections, both photographic and paper. With the sites 'Peabody Profiles' they have put together materials highlighting the work of museum staff and faculty of the Anthropology Department. They list Special Projects of the museum staff and faculty as well as Annual Reports of the Peabody Museum's "rise and progress" from its founding in 1866 through 1888
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Go Medieval On You
Medieval English Towns provides information on urban medieval England, offering histories of selected towns, images, glossary, and a selection of translated primary sources on community, economy, government, and lifecycle (including documents related to retirement and death). The site also features a large collection of links to other resources, with sections on urban history, urban economies, bibliographies, specific English towns, and medieval cities in the rest of Europe.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Stone Age Day Dream
The Stone Age Reference Collection provides access to information and images about the raw materials, weapons, technology, and tools used during the Stone Age. Links to other sites are available, as well as a bibliography and several publications.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Sparrow Glen
Fauna Europaea has assembled a database of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals. Experts in taxonomy have provided data of all species currently known in Europe. Together this data has been assembled into a huge database, which will be accessible to everyone. The University of Amsterdam has coordinated the project, assisted by the University of Copenhagen and the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.The Fauna Europaea database will provide a unique reference for many groups such as scientists, governments, industries, conservation communities and educational programs.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Canadian Voices
The Canadian Encyclopedia website now offers an online version of the prestigious Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, with some 4,000 articles on all aspects of music in Canada. With the aid of its partners and the generous support of Canadian Heritage, Historica presents this site to all Canadians and to interested users around the world. The website can be searched via the simple search or advanced search and the user can switch languages at any time.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Toe Tapping Tunes
Music from the Movies offers news, articles, and reviews on film scores, concerts, and composers. The guide to composers contains over 1,300 biographies, with discographies and links to reviews on the site. You can find content searching by the composer, a film title, or keyword.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Show Must Go On
Show Music on Record is a revised electronic version of the definitive reference source by Jack Raymond, first published in 1982. The database -- to be updated periodically -- provides discographic information for commercially-released show music recordings starting with those captured on early cylinders in the late 19th century and continuing through recent compact disc productions of the early 21st century. In addition to listings of original cast recordings of American shows produced for the stage, screen, and television, and foreign stage shows and motion pictures that played in the U.S., Show Music on Record includes commercial recordings of later albums and medleys from shows, individual show tunes performed by members of original, revival, and studio casts, records of composers performing their own show songs, and selected additional recordings of related interest. The online database was developed by the Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (Recorded Sound Reference Center) and the Network Development and MARC Standards Office in collaboration with the Public Affairs Office and the Office for Strategic Initiatives.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hallowed Halls
Congresspedia is a collaboratively written "citizens' encyclopedia on Congress," designed to shine more light on the workings of the U.S. Congress. Congresspedia is part of SourceWatch, a similarly collaborative, wiki-based website documenting the people, organizations and issues shaping the public agenda. The purpose of Congresspedia is to give citizens and media the ability to root out corruption and bring transparency to the system. It is based on a set of basic ideas; "A well-informed public is an essential ingredient of a healthy democracy, Most people feel they’re not being well represented in Washington, while 'special interests' are. But few people could name the interest groups that support and lobby their own representatives, The cost of winning election to Congress has become so expensive that most members raise funds year-round and work hard to maintain good relations not just with their constituents back home, but also with the 'cash constituents' who supply the money for their campaigns. We all need to know who those cash constituents are. Despite the constant flow of news from Washington, much of what happens in the halls of Congress is not widely known outside the Washington beltway – and plenty of insiders like it that way." With 11,341 articles SourceWatch/Congresspedia is the world's 14th largest wiki website by article count.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Big Money
The Investment Company Institute sponsors it's Mutual Fund Statistics website as part of its efforts to enhance public understanding of the investment company industry and the policy issues that affect it.Institute staff collect, compile, verify for accuracy, and release a wide range of statistics on approximately 8,000 U.S.-based mutual funds. The Institute also collects data on U.S.-based closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, and unit investment trusts, as well as foreign open-end investment companies in conjunction with investment company industry associations around the world.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Policy Papers
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) seeks to advance global security and prosperity in an era of economic and political transformation by providing strategic insights and practical policy solutions to decisionmakers. CSIS serves as a strategic planning partner for the government by conducting research and analysis and developing policy initiatives that look into the future and anticipate change. CSIS experts conduct research and analysis and develop policy initiatives that are organized around more than 25 programs grouped under three themes. With one of the most comprehensive programs on U.S. Defense & Security Policy, CSIS proposes reforms to U.S. defense organization, defense policy, and the defense industrial and technology base. CSIS Global Challenges programs offer solutions to the issues of proliferation, transnational terrorism, homeland security, and post-conflict reconstruction. With programs on demographics and population, energy security, global health, technology, and the international financial and economic system, CSIS addresses the new drivers of risk and opportunity on the world stage. CSIS is the only institution of its kind with resident experts studying the Regional Transformation of all of the world's major geographic areas. CSIS specialists seek to anticipate changes in key countries and regions–from Africa to Asia, from Europe to Latin America, and from the Middle East to North America.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
To Fetch A Pale Of Water
The Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum provides access to a collection of images of primarily Greek ancient vases dating from 6,000 B.C. to 400 A.D. from more than 120 collections in 26 countries. This searchable database of digitized text and images, is browsable by country and museum, and searchable by fabric, technique, provenance and other aspects.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
On The Board
The Securities Class Action Clearinghouse provides detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation. The Clearinghouse maintains an Index of Filings of 2,431 issuers that have been named in federal class action securities fraud lawsuits since passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Clearinghouse also contains copies of more than 16,000 complaints, briefs, filings, and other litigation-related materials filed in these cases.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Rate The Prime
Liber8 is an economic information portal of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The bank librarians designed the site with university and government document librarians, students, and the general public in mind. Economic information can, at times, be difficult for the non-economist to find and understand. The site provides a single point of access to the economic information that the Federal Reserve System, other government agencies, and data providers. Liber8 is provided by the Research Library of the 8th Federal Reserve District.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Shining Example
Judgements of the Supreme Court of Canada provides, with some exceptions from between 1985 and 1988, all judgments rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada since 1985. It also includes all judgments pertaining to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms rendered in 1983 and 1984.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Breaking A Color Barrier
A Comprehensive Reference Guide to Recorded Works by Black Composers Available on Compact Disc is compiled by Richard Greene. At this web site you will find varied information including a comprehensive Black composer discography. Currently, more than 130 black composers have been recorded on compact discs. The 800+ listed works are primarily instrumental, ranging in format from solo to orchestral. This reference guide also includes the recording label and the catalog identification number. Overall, more than four hundred classical music composers of African heritage have been identified. Recorded offerings, therefore, represent only a small subset of this total creative output. A bibliography and webliography is also part of this resource.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
International Relations
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) seeks to advance global security and prosperity in an era of economic and political transformation by providing strategic insights and practical policy solutions to decisionmakers. CSIS serves as a strategic planning partner for the government by conducting research and analysis and developing policy initiatives that look into the future and anticipate change. They provide access to hundreds PDF public reports, as well as audio and video when available of CSIS events covering a variety of international topics.
Monday, July 03, 2006
The Underground
Subway Navigator gives you a direct access to the world's subways including world subway maps and general information concerning the Official Transport Authority (official website, e-mail, timetable and fares if available. The site also has a route finder that helps you to find your itinerary from one station to another and links to interesting places nearby the subway station you have selected.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
The Golden Dawn
Thelemapedia is the original open-source encyclopedia of Thelema. Articles on Thelemapedia represent a wide range of interests, with a focus on the magick and philosophy of Aleister Crowley. At Thelemapedia, you can find articles on Thelema, magick, ritual, OTO, astrology, Book of the Law, godforms, and more. The site's goal is to make Thelemapedia the single best, most comprehensive source of information on Thelema. You can browse over 870 articles on Thelemapedia.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Watch What You Say
The Diplomacy Monitor, brought to you by St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, Florida synthisises the global output of communiqués, official statements, press briefings, position papers, interview transcripts and news releases from hundreds of diplomacy-related websites in near real-time for scholars, diplomats, journalists, researchers, students and others interested in the interaction among nations. The site allows you to globally track diplomatic and international trade communiqués, official statements, press briefings, position papers, interview transcripts and news releases from hundreds of government sources in a single monitoring system; access official or computerized English translations of non-English documents; follow the major and evolving international issues of the day, such as Iraq, the Middle East, human rights and anti-terrorism; Display other nations' diplomatic positions relative to a specific nation; isolate the diplomatic interaction between two nations; identify emerging diplomatic and trade alliances; supplement news media reporting with the original source documents without abridgement or filtering; and conduct full-text Boolean searching of more than 14,000 diplomatic and trade documents issued in the past 90 days.