Tuesday, August 31, 2004
PhysLink.com is a comprehensive physics and astronomy online education, research and reference web site. The site has articles on everything from micro-microchip technology and particle physics to finding giant planets. Back in high school and college I avoided hard science because of the math, now I read about it all the time and hard science is some of my favorite fiction.
Running with Scissors
I do seem to find myself amounst lawyers once again, it's like a black hole, once you slip into the singularity it's over. I find myself suprised again that anybody is reading my site, proof being that I am on Alan's link list. I think it has something to do with the fact the we read a blog in common. He seems like an nice guy, and his blog seems amusing/interesting. I am the I.T. guy at a branch office of an "Evil Defense Firm" as Rufus so fondly describes it. Anyway, thank you for the link on your site Alan, thank you for the nod, I'll post a few of my lawyer info websites, I know a billion of them.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Where are the political links?
AAARRRRGGGG!!! I just lost a major post!! You will all have to wait for my post on my politics links (which I'm still working on, they will appear in a few days). I tell people everyday to save often!! I listen as well as they do.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die
I have found sites that manage to satisfy people's need for morbid celebrity gossip without turning it into a sport. Sign up at CelebrityDeathBeeper.com, and they'll e-mail you the minute a celebrity or sports figure dies. The more serious Blog of Death links to notable obituaries daily, and lets users post their own tributes. For those of you who thought you were getting something about James Bond here is the James Bond Encyclopedia.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Print and hang on your wall...
NYPL Digital Gallery provides free and open online access to more than 400,000 digital images from NYPL collections. It is a searchable database presenting tens of thousands of digital images from The Library's collections including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, rare prints and photographs, and more.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
It's an Oligopoly not a Monopoly
Have you ever had a hard time ranting against "Big Business" with that conservative guy your friend knows? That's because few people understand economics, laissez-faire market theory or even the everyday news and goings on of "Big Business."
I've been an avid reader of Oligopoly Watch for some time now. This site covers business in a way that I simply don't see anywhere else. Steve Hannaford explains and analyzes the climate of consolidation in a clear, non-doctrinaire way. Why are the top competitors in a field so often indistinguishable in every way, including price? Find out! And win that arguement.
I've been an avid reader of Oligopoly Watch for some time now. This site covers business in a way that I simply don't see anywhere else. Steve Hannaford explains and analyzes the climate of consolidation in a clear, non-doctrinaire way. Why are the top competitors in a field so often indistinguishable in every way, including price? Find out! And win that arguement.
Bush has a proven track record of dirty trick campaigning
To learn more about the Swiftboat for "truth" scandal try Disinfopedia, a collaborative project to produce a directory of public relations firms, think tanks, industry-funded organizations and industry-friendly experts that work to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, governments and special interests. Sponsored by the Center for Media and Democracy. For more on Bush campaign history try this.
You can learn a lot from a dummy...
We all remember the ads, Smokey the Bear, the Crying Indian and McGruff the Crime Dog. Plus my all time favorites Vince and Larry, the Crash Test Dummies. It all part of the social action commercials that were made by the Ad Council.
Short Order Recipies
Here is a recipe site with a twist, CopyKat. It does make me wonder what the word's "Favorite Resturants" means, but we all know most of us have some kind of secret guilty pleasure, Denny's Grandslam breakfast at 3 am is mine. Makes ya wanna go to the "Cook like a short order chef" class at HomeChef.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Primary Source Material
Have at it, and go to town...
The U.S. Congressional Bibliographies enumerate and describe meetings held by Congressional committees since 1985, those for which printed transcripts are issued, and those that remain unprinted. Its sources are the Congressional Record's "Daily Digest" and bibliographic information supplied by the U.S. Senate Library. Its primary goal is to be an authoritative, exhaustive reference source of meetings held and documents released by House and Senate committees.
The U.S. Congressional Bibliographies enumerate and describe meetings held by Congressional committees since 1985, those for which printed transcripts are issued, and those that remain unprinted. Its sources are the Congressional Record's "Daily Digest" and bibliographic information supplied by the U.S. Senate Library. Its primary goal is to be an authoritative, exhaustive reference source of meetings held and documents released by House and Senate committees.
geopolitical dominatrix
I have to make fun of the site name, it reminds me of marketing gimmicks like ThighMaster and MixMaster. But when it comes to world stats they are "Masters of their domain."
NationMaster.com, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. You can generate maps and graphs with ease on all kinds of statistics. What's more, you can select exactly which countries you want to include.
They currently have 4,050 stats, and this number is increasing all the time. They want to be the web's one-stop resource for country statistics on anything and everything, whether it be soldiers, olympic medals, tourists, English speakers or wall plug voltages. You can also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags. You can use correlation reports and scatterplots to find relationships between variables. Integrated into these is a full encyclopedia with over 200,000 articles.
NationMaster.com, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. You can generate maps and graphs with ease on all kinds of statistics. What's more, you can select exactly which countries you want to include.
They currently have 4,050 stats, and this number is increasing all the time. They want to be the web's one-stop resource for country statistics on anything and everything, whether it be soldiers, olympic medals, tourists, English speakers or wall plug voltages. You can also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags. You can use correlation reports and scatterplots to find relationships between variables. Integrated into these is a full encyclopedia with over 200,000 articles.
We won't be fooled again
Welcome to Electoral Vote Predictor 2004, which tracks the electoral vote (EV) state by state. In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote by over half a million votes but George Bush won the electoral vote by 5 votes and became president. Thus watching the electoral vote is more important than watching the national polls. This website is dedicated to tracking the electoral vote by examining the state-by-state polls. As new state polls are released, the maps, spreadsheets, tables, graphs, and movies will be updated.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Throw up some new paint
Chose a new blogger template for the site, I hope everybody (ha now that's funny, I happen to know I'm the only one who looks at this site, not even my wife reads it!) likes the fresh look. This is going to give me the opportunity to redo my links and such.
Help, please Help...
I'm going to be locked in a conference room with a bunch of lawyers!!! Maybe I can mentally wander off and play a few word games, maybe this site will help, I'll just bring the laptop in and pretend I'm working on something very important...
Spyware, malware and trojans oh my!
I have three spyware applications that I use and completely recommend, Spybot S&D, Ad-aware and Spywareblaster all of these and more can be downloaded from a safe and trusted freeware/shareware site Snapfiles. The firewall I installed is Sygate Personal Firewall, but ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm is also very good. Also as far as pop-up blockers go, I recommend either the Google toolbar, or XP SP2 (the new IE that comes with the service pack includes pop-up blocking). I am also trying out the Earthlink anti-scam toolbar, though I have all icons except the anti-scam on turned off.
I'm back!
Yahoo, the other white meat... I never understood the appeal of that ad campaign, but on to more important things, Yahoo the "other" search engine has a bunch of cool shortcuts to try....