Saturday, August 05, 2006

Democratic Control

Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) is an online legal database on security sector governance. This "database provides reference information and texts of over 300 laws and regulations from some 30 countries of the Euro-Atlantic region, relating to one of the following five topics; armed forces, democratic control of armed forces, intelligence, national security and police and non-military security forces." There is also publications from DCAF who’s goals are to "work with governments and civil society to foster and strengthen the democratic and civilian control of security sector organizations such as police, intelligence agencies, border security services, paramilitary forces, and armed forces." The publications area of this site includes "backgrounders," books, handbooks, occasional papers and policy papers from DCAF, freely available in PDF.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

useful information blog,very good content.

9/16/2006 04:02:00 AM  
Blogger Richard said...

Well, it's subtle enough spam that I'll let it stand. I'll take it as a very wierd compliment that they thought this blog influencial enough to bother to get through the word verification to post. I'll also try and pretend that the statement was about my blog, rather than thier website.

9/16/2006 11:58:00 PM  

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